With One Eye Wide Open


The Streets of Manila - The Peanut Vendor

2nd day of my holiday workout and I am sore from head to toe. I got carried away with running on the treadmill, it's been ages since I last ran, Aug. 13, 2011 to be exact - the day I tore my mid ACL. It felt so good to once again hear and feel my feet pounding the ground, well I tried to imagine it was the pavement and not the treadmill belt, hence I didn't stop until my knee actually started feeling sore, after about 3 heavenly miles. I used to do half marathons and multi-day adventure races and losing my ability to run, even if it was temporary, was very hard on me. So you can just imagine the joy I felt to be able to run even on a treadmill! For a moment it felt like I had my old legs back! Hehe, so now i'm paying for it big time! Not to mention I did an hour of mat exercises for the upper body, ugh! I really have a looooong way to go in terms of fitness! I hope I get there soon!

While stuck in traffic, I spotted this peanut vendor who despite the steaming heat of the day was all smiles as he pushed his cart in the middle of the road offering anyone who'd care to look at him to buy his boiled peanuts. If he can spare a smile despite his hard life, then I have no reason to frown at all! So here's me smiling and I hope you all can smile back! :))))

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