Nice things happen

Last week when we had had the worst of days, we were doing a bit of shopping in Woolworth's, and just as we were leaving, the check out lady said - here would you like this, handing me a delightful flower arrangement.  I nearly collapsed into tears again!!  Apparently they hadn't sold and she was giving them away, but she could have had no idea how welcome they were.  So, nice things do happen sometimes, when you least expect it.

We took Mish to the vet today for her check-up and the good news is that the medication is working very well, with most of the nodules shrinking quite markedly in size.  So it seems we have bought a bit of time, and she could now be with us for up to three months.

Because she's still losing weight we are giving her pretty much anything she wants to eat.  Including her favourite roast lamb!!

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