Miss L

Another day with just me and Miss L keeping each other company. We had planned to go and see Mrs C but she went into labour - which as excuses to cancel go is a pretty good one!!
After three episodes of Angelina Ballerina I was feeling a bit guilty about being Rubbish Mummy so we spent the next hour playing buses and reading books.
And then so I'm not Rubbish Wife I cooked a huge vat of vegetable curry and an even bigger vat of bolognaise.
Then I had a quick search through eBay to see if I could pick up a cheap freezer to go in the garage to house all the curry and bolognaise!!!
Part of our new shopping regime is to make more big batches of things which can be frozen.
I didn't really think it through today as our freezer is packed!!
Then, to avoid a marathon Mr Tumble session, I took Miss L to buy a red onion - I'm planning to make a vat of my favourite yummy pork, apple and thyme tray bake tomorrow. It'll get in that freezer somehow! - and then to the park. She had a happy half hour running around and I had a happy half hour watching Winslow FC train.
Is it wrong to sit in the park and ogle fit young footballers?!!
Another proud day today - Miss E got a gold star and a house point for her homework last night. Woohoo!!
I won't be updating her marks every day but just wanted to record for posterity that she's made a good start. If there's a job going requiring you to write a and m then she's your girl!!!!

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