Life in Newburgh on Ythan

By Talpa

Around the village today

Three random bits and pieces from my afternoon walk around the village.

The main event is an impressive flower spike from the communal flower bed at the southern entrance. It is the flower of Rheum palmatum 'Atrosanguineum', a relative of our old friend rhubarb. 

The first "extra" is an example of that modern blight, plastic waste on our beaches. This colourful entwined bundle contains some seaweed but is mainly composed of degenerating plastic, much of it probably tossed overboard by passing ships. What a pig-sty we "intelligent" apes are making of our world!

The other "extra" was also found on the beach. Some ferrous lump or other has been slowly rusting away amidst the pebbles and has produced an interesting and colourful mass of iron and rock.

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