The end of L and the start of M is a frequent mining ground for books to grab in a hurry, seeing as it's within reach, without bending or stretching unnecessarily. It was surprising for me to see tonight that there are a load of books round here that I either haven't read, or haven't read for ages. Mr B has Leo the African (the missing book) which of course makes me want to read it) but instead I'll go for Samarkand, the first of Amin Malouf's books I bought (with money my mam gave me for law books...)
Early start as Mr B left at 5, then the usual run of events, interspersed with some ironing and a little sit in the garden (in the shade - scorching hot today). Later into Lavaur with TallGirl to see a man she met on the internet (well, who am I to judge) to buy some fish equipment.
Pizza, Pretty Little Liars and a big thunderstorm that had the rabbits loopy.
FaceTime with Mr B where it turns out that a tricky decision may have been decided for us by other forces, and he looks at last to be getting over his trans-Atlantic ailments.
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