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By pplnani

Looks Like a Nice Place for Lunch

......... a busy bee hovers briefly, checking out the best spot for dining on the second flower to open of my lovely surprise poppy :-)

I know you only saw this plant a couple of days ago but I really like it ..........and if it really has been there for ages and not flowered may never flower I'm making the most of it while it's there :-))

A really warm ( mid afternoon my outdoor thermometer read 25 degrees in the shade!! ) sunny day........I decided it was too hot for a walk but at least my washing dried in less than an hour :-)

I was just fetching my washing in whilst checking out the sky for unusual birds.........I thought how lucky I was to be able to watch two red kites soaring in large circles getting higher and higher in the thermals to avoid the angry crows that were mobbing them......while lower down loads of swallows dived about after insects and a selection of the ' usual avian suspects ' zipped around in the garden........when I suddenly spotted what looked like a small bird flying in a very strange, fluttery way, quite low down, slowly across the garden........I watched intently for a few seconds as it approached but it wasn't until it flew right overhead that I could see it was a bat!!!........I was completely gobsmacked and really annoyed that I didn't have a camera at the ready, because I can't imagine it will happen again :-/

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