
Close friends, the three words for the English apple, the German Apfel and the palatinate Appel.

Not my day or not my week?
On the way home the man sitting next to me in the train dropped his bag when getting up to leave the train.
Too bad for me he was carrying an opened(!) bottle of beer in it and spilled it all over me. I mean all over me, my bag, my pants, my jacket, my seat, the floor (except my hair and my reader - lucky him!!!).
He said "Entschuldigung, tut mir leid, aber ich muss jetzt raus" ("I'm sorry, so sorry, but I have to get off the train NOW") and gone he was.
I came home smelling like a beer factory. And wet and sticky.
Think it was funny now, but it took me a while...

19:30 CEST 12,3°C
no more summer today

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