And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

desperado blip!

Well got my first day under my belt and I survived! did I enjoy it? yes will I go back? I think so. My cones were terrible the oven is alot hotter than mine alot lot hotter! I was meant to stay in the little kitchen along as I wanted to but as the chef was so nice I joined him in the large kitchen and got on well with him hes called Dan he started working there 10yr ago as a volunteer but as I said before hes now a chef and loves it there. If I go next week and I dont really see why not unless the nerves get better of me I will be working under Kyle hes supposed to be a nice guy too. It was great helping those with learning difficulties had some interesting chats with them and they all loved basics plus so thats good. Its now time to walk ash then back to check out all your blips thats yesterdays and today's.

ps your good luck wishes must have helped, thanks x x x

love c xxx

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