Who gives a c***
Home sick today with a cold/tummy bug, so the toilet roll was my friend. Feeling physically wretched and also emotionally wretched watching the situation unfold in Manchester. My thoughts and prayers are with Mancunians (and others tonight). It's enough to make one bitter and cynical.
So I add a link to the "Who gives a crap" site. This toilet paper is made from recycled paper and money is donated to build toilets in developing countries.
We are lucky enough not to have to give it too much thought, however, in other countries the lack of toilets really affects lives. Especially those of women who live in fear of being attacked if they have to "go" outdoors at night and girls who are unable to go to school during their periods because it's all too hard.
It's good to remember that in this mad world, people do give a crap and work for the betterment of the lives of others.
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