Mr. and Mrs. Marmot
Firstly, thoughts and love to all those who have been affected by the Manchester bombing.
After all these years of photographing mountain scenes, I have only published one marmot shot. They are so alert and near to the ground so they usually see you, screech loudly, then head for the nearest burrow. This morning I watched these 2 for about half an hour, maybe they had just woken up from their hibernation. I have never seen such golden coats on marmots either. What a special moment it was - on the ridge between the Valerette and the Valère for those who know the area. Extra to show the ridge, the marmots were on a rocky outcrop in the centre of the picture
Huge thanks to everyone who liked the Montreux poppies and Dents du Midi enough to put them on the first Popular Page, Honoured.
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