This is... pic for today.
The top one is how I perceive the sound of a police helicopter. It felt like a giant wave bursting out of the ground to the sky. It was not on my plane app so I had to get to the end of the garden to see it. It was some distance away, maybe half a mile.
The bottom pencil drawing is the Chinook. It was almost overhead, and felt like several sounds, with sharper stuff on the bottom, rising like solid blades of grass, but between the 'grass' there were lots of little oval sounds.
So this is my pic for today for my challenge to myself of a drawing or painting every day in 2017.
I had a hospital appointment this morning, nothing to do with the cochlear stuff, but I didn't realise I was so apprehensive at entering a hospital again, albeit a different hospital. I was shaking because of that experience nearly a couple of weeks ago. It was only when I was being seen to that my body calmed down.
She was a lovely lady specialist who saw me, and when I went in I gave her the usual stuff I give hospital specialists and doctors and those kind of people. I also give a little card that I made, explaining I am deaf and a few hints on how to help me as a deaf person.
Some people respond well to the card, some hand them back to me rather rudely. I also hand them out to any deaf people too in case it might help them. Anyway, the funny thing I this...she took my card and looked at it, and then said she didn't need it because she had seen it before in a drawer in a hospital, and also there was one in the drawer in the room I was in and she fished it out.
She said it was a very useful instructional little card that educated people and healthcare specialists on aspects of deafness. She explained they were not able to attach the card to my file, because they don't have paper files any more for our patient notes, it is all on computer records now. Hence it gets thrown into the nearest drawer where apparently it stays and ends up getting read by lots of people.
So, it seems my little 'deaf' card has reached quite a few places in North Wales. I have been giving them out for over 10 years now so I found this really amazing this morning. And it made me happy :)
I did blip it some time ago, so I will have a look for it and post the link here in a mo if I can find it!
Here is the link to my little 'deaf' card
When I got home I ended up in the potting shed all afternoon, resting. I needed to. It is a lovely day. Sun shining. Myriads of birds singing. Loads of different planes in the sky today, all the different sounds presenting with different pictures in my mind. But I am not going to draw them all!!!! I have drawn the main ones that come over, but there are loads of different small private planes and helicopters.
[This is my artist's perception of sounds as they are now after being drastically changed after the remapping of my cochlear processor. I am readjusting to the different sounds, which are actually vastly different, as it is now suggested I was never mapped properly in the first place which is why I have struggled the last few years.]
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