A day trip over the border

Today we were woken with the news of the awful events that have taken place in Manchester...our thoughts are with all involved...

Late morning we headed for St Abb's Head which is en-route to Edinburgh. On the way we stopped at Berwick Station to collect train tickets for tomorrow's trip to Edinburgh.

St Abbs is a wonderful place to see nesting sea birds and although the sight was amazing the noise was truly awe inspiring. As we got back to the car I noticed a young woman standing looking at a map. I said hello & she replied with a French accent. She asked where we were going from there & I said that we were heading to the village. She wondered if she could get a lift with us. We agreed and we talked as we retraced our steps down the single track road...her name was Justine & she was a Bio metric Engineer but she had given up her job to travel. Before long we reached the point where we were going different directions & we said our Au Revoirs. We headed then to Coldingham Bay, a serene beautiful coastal village where the sea was flat calm. As we strolled on the sandy beach a toddler came to see us who's name was Liam ! We chatted then headed for the surf shop where we purchased something that we shouldn't have....ie it was icy cold but lovely !

From here we pressed on to Berwick where we bought salad & salmon for dinner... a lovely day ..extras to follow Pettico Wick Bay & a deer we spotted from the car, plus some footprints in the sand, lobster bait and getting in the catch ...:)

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