pink sheep

the, hopefully very temporary, change in the weather to bloody cold today set everyone's winter hunger off. For us humans it led to a big pot of Székely gulyás - for the pigs (they weren't in the goulash) it meant leaving their fenced in area and wandering around in the road hoping I'd get the hint. Luckily, littlest had gone to buy cheese and found them when she got home - so she called me out and we chased them around until the stupid things managed to walk back through the hole in the fence. And then I mended everything and went back in to the warm.
There's snow on the mountain now. And it's dark all the time. I'm already fed up with winter. Hopefully it will be summer again tomorrow?
I blipped snow on the mountain on the 31st of August last year. I guess I should be grateful for nearly two weeks extra summer this year. Tomorrow til Saturday I will be spending my time a bit closer to "my" mountain and hope to bring back some interesting pictures for you.....

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