a pink peony heart...

...for you

on this tuesday day

do you see it? - the natural heart designed by this wonderful pink peony? - something totally unexpected seen in a very unusual place - who would've thought to even look - for a heart there? not me! - yet there it was - staring me in the face - giving me no choice but to post it

it's situations such as these - when you find something so extraordinary and heartwarming - which reaffirms your trust there is good in the world - especially after yet another horrific act like the one which occurred in manchester last night - when it's possible for your faith to be shaken - your world to get so upset - but you cannot allow that to happen - we must remain strong - united - banded together as one - knowing we will conquer those who dare to do these acts against us - we need to stand firm

and so when i see beautiful things such as this - flower heart beaming at me today - it's like receiving a message loud & clear - that says, 'we will overcome' - i believe it and i hold fast to that message knowing it will lead to...


happy day.....

edit: my thoughts & prayers are with all those who were involved with the manchester tragedy; it was discovered a little one of 8 years old lost his life as a result of the bombing, may his family be surrounded by angels of peace & grace, & know their son did not die in vain

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