Park Life.

James day once again today and we have had a busy and full one. Out very early with Rona then when James arrived we took him off for a walk round the Kelpies. On the way home we detoured to Callender Park for another wee wander and a look at the birds round the big pond.
After lunch and a snooze, (James, not us) we picked up Eve and took the two little ones to a park. They both had a great time. Today's photo is of self and James on the swings. There wasn't a baby swing free so I very carefully held him on the big kid swing until Eve left the baby one.
Dinner eaten, James collected and away home and we are off again, this time to a garden centre for flowers then a final walk for Rona.
Time to sit down, have a cup of tea and finish today's blip - if I don't nod off half way through!

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