An Artist's Life

By MariB

One Thousand

Wow...a milestone I never thought I'd reach. And there are those I follow who have achieved thousands more than my pitiful effort. Again, I thank GlassRoad for introducing me to blip. I look forward to meeting many of you in years to come.
I have been up to my neck in alligators these past weeks...many weeks, but a visit to blip is always one of the first things I do to start the day. I've learned a lot about many of you....much more than I've learned about photography....and see the artist in each of you. I see gentle people who sometimes step out of your comfort zones to get a shot or share an idea. The US election has brought tears to most of us. And just yesterday, the Rethuglican candidate, who is not from my state!, beat up a Guardian reporter. Who does that sort of thing?? Mad bombers abound and we reel in horror. Yet, flipping through your daily blips brings me a peace and joy to know all is still mostly right in your world....and you still care. Love you all and carry on, blippers!

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