
By SLPlearning

What Happened?

Was at a seminar today looking at the role adult learning plays in widening access to Higher Education, Sir Peter Scott, Commissioner for Fair Access was delivering the keynote.

He was fabulous-highlighting the unequal nature of our society that undermines our ability to build a high skill economy and prevents individuals from taking up the lifelong learning opportunities that should be available to all.

His speech focus broadened to include adult learners, music to my ears and he asked what had happened to the promise of lifelong learning that only 20 years ago sought to address some of the same issues.

The questions he posed need to be worked on, but one that struck me was how do you get politicians to take notice, when the policy focus is so narrow?  He called himself a ........... agitator, I can't remember the word, but it made me smile, we need more like him, articulate, intelligent and human.  

Maybe there is light at the end of this ten year tunnel-I certainly hope so-it's been a long time coming! 

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