Surprised..... see this tiny flower shooting up from the depths of my dark garden.

So touched by your lovely words yesterday over the break-in of E's car. E was/is fine after a cold trip home that night, annoyed her belongings were taken, particularly her gym shoes, i-pod, wireless headphones, a new asthma inhaler and handbag. Thankfully other belongings like make-up, gym clothing and a few other bits and bobs were  sifted through and promptly dumped in the much loved silver bag which she uses everyday and got on her trip to Orlando. It was found and we were contacted, at least that's something. The car window is booked in for Monday so until then, I'm round home.

Thought I would turn to my garden for flower Friday......and I just mentioned to rainie yesterday it's time I got my lensbaby out. Well, little did I know it would be today, my normal macro lens has packed a's not focusing on anything, so the lensbaby to the rescue!! I used macro +4, f/2.8 for this tiny Heuchera.

So it's been computer, car and now macro lens.....they say things come in three's, hope that's my dash!

Your words, stars and fav's are always greatly appreciated, thank you for yesterday's caring words :))

Have a wonderful weekend everyone :)

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