Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2017 Thursday -- Forever View

When we first saw this house 23 years ago, that view, the one I've captured in this photo, was a huge part of the attraction and the decision to purchase. Obviously there were lots of other reasons.

So we named this home "The Edge of Forever." We thought it was a "forever" view and also Mr. Fun thought we should live in it forever. We never dreamed we'd have a place at the coast where we'd like to move to. Keeping this big ol house no longer seems feasible. Saying "goodbye" to that view will be one of the harder things we'll do.

So this evening we enjoyed the view of the clouds spilling over the distant foothills.

On a different subject, two weeks from this evening is graduation. That will be my final duty for this spring semester. The fall semester will begin in late August. I'm about to welcome summer into my life.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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