Ancient and modern

Busy last day in Edinburgh . This morning my first stop was the Surgeons museum - a fascinating glimpse into the medical world - certainly the sort of place JP would not dream of visiting!
Next was the Royal Museum of Scotland where this photo was taken. I was only there an hour or so but I think if you had a week there you would not see it all - an amazing place.
I then popped into the castle (the joy of an English Heritage card!) to see and hear the one o'clock cannon - the only way people could know the time in yesteryear.
On my way back to the hotel I went into the Museum of Childhood - quite scary when you used to own some of the toys!!
I met JP then who had finished work for the day and we went to the Edinburgh dungeons - that was very silly and great fun! Next a wander around the cathedral so he could see how beautiful it was - great little cafe there too! Lastly a quick walk around the castle - second time in one day for me!!
Back to the hotel, taxi to the airport and back home by 10.45. What an amazing week!!

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