One Minute.....

I raced into work this morning as I wanted to be there in time for the minute silence. Staff from the static centre, the labs, drivers, ambulance crew and the mobile team all went outside. We lined up along the road and it was incredibly moving. One minute to remember a second that changed people's lives forever.....somehow it seems inadequate, but so apt too. As we stood there in the glorious sunshine families are shrouded in such blackness at the moment. Yet, so many people are offering help, are saying beautiful words and doing wonderful deeds. Those that are injured will be looked after, not just by their loved ones, but by all of Manchester and beyond.

I was working in Bolton and we had many people coming in trying to donate. They all said that they would register and return to us. This is one of the good things that has come out of the tragedy. It had been difficult getting out of town to go to the session because roads were sealed off due to a bomb scare and we had to go a very long way round. The Queen also arrived at MRI, although I think that was kept fairly low key.

One donor told me he worked at the Octagon Theatre in Bolton and he was going there tonight to watch a play, Winter Hill. Winter Hill is just beyond Rivington Pike in my photo and so is apt for the people of Bolton. He did say that is was a bit controversial though....the play is about two woman who want to build a hotel on Winter Hill and there is a fight against it by local people...including a bomb. He said that the audience were warned before the start of the play. 

Another donor came in and told me a fourteen year old girl in his son's class at school has lost an eye in the bombing and her dad sustained terrible spinal injuries and will never walk again. All these horrific stories are coming out. We must not let it be one minute that we stand and remember, but a whole life time. 

I have been overwhelmed by the response to my blip on Tuesday....what wonderful comments people have written I wish I could share them with the whole of Manchester. People from around the world sharing the pain and saying beautiful things. These are the things we must focus on now.....the beautiful people, the positives and the future. I shall catch up with everyone this weekend.

Thankfully, there were hilarious moments today. One such moment was when I was sticking a needle in Mike.....(Mike with very hairy arms).....

Me: (as I ripped some tape off his arm) I bet that is the worst part for you

Mike: yes......but it isn't as bad as a vasectomy 

Well, we laughed all through his donation as he told me all about it....whether I wanted to know the details or not! He also said that he can't even look at a beef tomato anymore! The things I hear............he he he.


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