Took this on my way home today.

Taken on my mobile, so not to good.

I need to start carrying my camera around again.

Visited my son Corry today. I haven't seen him for another 6 months, but he was moved to Perth earlier this month, so it's much easier to visit.

He has been opening up in recent letters to me and also at today's visit. He was able to tell me he felt he could never talk to me and gave me an example of a time where he had been helping a friends ill dad. He'd had to bath him, put him to bed and even bring him round after he passed out after a fall... this went on for quite a while when the mans son was away... and it just breaks my heart that my son felt he couldn't talk to me, or get well earned support from me when he really needed it. That he had to go through that on his own...

I really was a shit Mum.

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