Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

A bike ride to St Mary's Lighthouse...

...and a climb to the top... not quite derelict yet, but certainly in need of a lot of tlc...

The history...
"Life for the lighthouse keepers wasn't easy despite being so close to the mainland. Until 1948 their fresh water was collected on the flat roofs of the keepers' cottages and passed through large filters in the kitchens, or was brought over in barrels if the supply dried up in the summer.

The keepers had earth privies, then Elsan toilets, until 1954 when the conversion to water closets cost £58 15s 1d. There was no electricity on the island until 1957. Paraffin lamps were used and heating and cooking were by coal or driftwood fires. There were no bathrooms, baths being taken by the fire in a tin bath, and washing was done in a tub.

The children of the keepers went to school in Old Hartley or Seaton Sluice; if the tide was in they were rowed to shore..."

The present story...
"North Tyneside Council and its partners are bidding for cash from the Heritage Lottery Fund to carry out vital repairs to St Mary’s Lighthouse and former keeper’s cottages.

A bid for £2.1m is being prepared and will be submitted by August.
The plans involve:
restoring the lighthouse tower and former keeper’s cottages;
building the original optic (light) to create a new feature for visitors to enjoy;
rebuilding new extensions to provide more educational and learning facilities as well as an area to host exhibitions and new retail space;
creating two new viewing areas;
improving toilets;
modernising the visitor centre area;
renewing interpretation/display information for visitors."

Fingers crossed the bid is successful, otherwise the lighthouse could be deemed unsafe and may have to close...

Extras are one for Flower Friday, and Roy with bikes at the lighthouse ;)

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