
By TonyG

There's always one!

Spot the aphid.

A day spent waiting.  Waiting for help to arrive as Jamie had a sudden increase in pain, probably due to a virus but we never really know.  Not life threatening so the overstretched services took over four hours to arrive.  Four hours definitely no fun hours.  The crew arrived at exactly the same time as Jacinta got back from Birmingham, a drive which took her as long as we at home had been waiting for help.  Also just as I should have been leaving for work.  As I write Jamie is calmer with suitable pain relief at the hospital and we hope to all sleep under the same roof - ours!  As so often the case, they wanted to bundle him out quickly but Jacinta was rescued by a nurse who has an autistic child and understood the need for more time and patience.  Bless all who work in the NHS - they do have an impossible job.  Forget Lib - Lab - Con let's vote NHS!  

If you are in any doubt the Con party is well named as far as NHS promises are concerned :-(

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