Me and Mowgli on our summer holidays. Well the thermostat read an average of 23 degrees for most of the trip up to Gyles Quay just outside Carlingford.
A bit of adventure lies ahead, it may involve some ferries and some islands. And Little H will continue to be correct when she says 'but RP1 lives in a campervan'!
The name of this journal 'CodladhSnámh' goes back a long way and is a nice story. Today I heard Ray D'Arcy mention how at the end of broadcasting on TV in the old days they used to play the national anthem and say 'Oiche Mhaith, Codladh Snámh'. I giggled away to myself until he was corrected by someone else. My story begins with the same mis-pronunciation way back in 2001 in New Zealand. Perhaps it was a Freudian Slip on Ray's part.
But that's another story/joke for another day.
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