Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


I received a large manilla envelope from my older sister today, we spoke a few months ago, something we don't do often enough (that goes for my little sister and brother) containing memories from my younger days, swimming certificates (still can't do much more than 100 yards), school reports (could do better seems the overriding theme) and some other stuff including photos, the one's above show me looking smart ( possibly the first time I ever did) in 1976, the other was 1967 and it's one I don't think i've ever seen, it shows all five of my mothers offspring, the pretty tall one is my German half sister who I only remember ever meeting once, I don't recognise the background, at first I thought Gibraltar but we moved from there in 66 as far as I recall, mind my memory terrible.
Going to have a good weekend reminiscing, hope yours goes well.

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