The Eyes Have It
The past twenty-four hours have hit my credit card hard. My special renal vitamins, car repairs, home warranty and eye glasses ran up a debt of over $2000. OUCH!
I took this photo of the ophthalmologist's exam room while I was waiting for my eyes to dilate for the cataract exam. I didn't have the camera with me in the office, but when she told me I'd have to sit and wait for twenty minutes, I scooted out for it.
I'm always so lucky when I see specialists. (NOT!) I have a rare type of cataracts that are progressing rapidly and will need surgery within the year. I also seem to no longer need reading glasses. Huh? I've used them since I was in college - 1973!
So no more bifocals. That saved me a couple bucks. Thank God for small favors.
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