Of myth and magic

A giant of a man. A fearsome warrior. Chieftain of the Cymric people.

Uther Pendragon led a huge army and fought invading Saxons in the West. In the year 450 he built a castle, Pendragon Castle, high on a mound where a dragon lay sleeping guarding untold treasure. (Hence the name of the castle, 'Pen' being Celtic for hill.)
The castle was high up above the River Eden and one day he asked Merlin the Magician to divert the river to fill the massively deep moat he had dug. “A river running uphill!’ exclaimed Merlin, ‘Can’t be done’. And it never was done. The moat is high, deep and dry to this day. Locals have a rhyme:
'Let Uther Pendragon do what he can,
Eden will run where Eden ran.'
Merlin’s magic was sufficient however to help Uther assume the form of King Gorlois, so he could spend a rapturous night with Queen Igerna in Tintagel Castle. As a result, the legendary King Arthur was born.
Uther was not known for his kindness and he made many enemies, who plotted against him. Eventually they laid siege to Pendragon Castle, but it held firm. So, in desperation, they poisoned the castle well. Uther, and all the inhabitants of the castle, died.
Uther did not rest easy however, and his ghostly figure astride a mighty horse has been seen galloping across the fells on wintry nights. He is heard muttering – at least I have given you Arthur and he will puzzle you for centuries to come.
NB The moat is high, deep and dry. I cannot vouch for the truth of any other part of the story.
For DS83 – Derelict Challenge – Theme: Story

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