Too Hot For Salad!

Salad is usually what I like on hot days but it was just too much effort to go out in the garden to harvest it today, so I made this lazy but healthy alternative - Avocado, Kimchi, Celtic Sea Salt, Turmeric and fresh ground pepper, mashed together and spread on some organic whole grain crackers - it looked a lot better before I mixed it all up!
I heard that the U.K. is experiencing a few really hot days, so they may understand a bit. Not as hot as here in Texas, but then they mostly don't have AC!
We are back home today from 6 days living with our three grandchildren while our son and daughter-in-law had a mini break in Florida tacked on to the end of a business conference. I don't think it was really long enough for them, but plenty long for us!
There were some very special moments in the midst of some frustration but there is a LOT of love between us! It was too hectic to take many pictures but I will try to "backblip" a bit for those who are interested!

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