At the Ball Park

Beginning this year, the Washington Nationals and many other teams in major league baseball have extended the safety nets that separate the baseball field from the grandstands.  Where I once was able to take pictures of the players, there is now a net that makes photography impossible.  With this in mind, I didn’t take my 24-240 lens to the ballpark today. (They have limits on anything longer).   Instead, I took my 85 mm f/1.8 lens and thought I would try to get some people shots. Those of you who follow my journal regularly know that two-legged creatures are not my strong suit at all.  Nevertheless, I wanted to try something different, and as luck would have it when I stopped to buy a bottle of water, this darling girl working behind the counter, smiled so beautifully at me, and when I lifted my camera, she put on her best pose.  

This is a new lens for me and I am very happy with it.  This focal length allows me to discretely and covertly take images, and they are quite sharp, even in low light.  

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