Beachcomber display

Went to the Kent Garden Show with friends Al and Liz this afternoon. We went there this time last year on a day of very poor weather but today was totally different, sunny and warm with quite a strong but cooling breeze.

The Show was much the same as last year though. I'm not going to repeat my observations from then suffice to say that apart from lots of plants there was very little to interest the keen gardener. Couldn't find a watering can with a fine rose, no cold frames or greenhouses, cloches, polytunnels or many tools or odds and sods that come in useful. Plenty of ornaments and rusty buckets, posh planters, sculptures, things made out of old wood and metal, pixies, gnomes, you get the idea.

Being bright there was much more opportunity to take photos but I didn't really capture the essence of the show; lots of candidates: the crowds, flowers, whirly things in the sky, tin baths stacked up but in the end settled for this tableau made from beach flotsam and jetsam. The judges didn't like it enough to award a prize but I thought it was a very interesting interpretation of the brief.

Today's blip nearly wasn't anything from the show. A bright start to the day quickly deteriorated into a thunderstorm with some pretty incredible cloudscapes as the storm approached. I've included that as an extra.

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