
By HellsBells

Rock Gibraltar

What an unusual place! A big Rock, an airport runway with a main road going across it, monkeys, lots of history, shops, a little bit of GB. 
A delightful day, staight up the rock in a cable car (left mum at the bottom-hates heights). The monkeys had just been fed, thank goodness, I was a little worried about getting my sun glasses or camera damaged. Took some pictures from the top and then back down the rock. The cable car man told me a two stories about monkeys working as a team to steal food out if the restaurant - one holds the door open for the others. The other about an obstreperous teenager who took no heed after been warned not to eat her snickers bar on the terrace outside the cafe! She was covered in monkeys within seconds and totally hysterical.
Another beer and some excellent duty free shopping, a good day.

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