Looking Up

Hopefully .....

Edrianthus graminifolius, a cluster of upward facing bellflowers, reminding me of a nest of baby birds looking up ... hopefully.

A seven hour wait for out of hours doc to phone (at 3am) but it yielded a stronger painkiller that helped Jamie get moving again.  I had a little jaunt in the car to collect the tablets just as the very first light of dawn appeared on the horizon.  Jamie was asleep by 5am and very shortly after so was I.  He slept all day which should do some good. Thank you to all who sent messages of support.

A quiet Sunday morning at home, managed an hour in the garden before lunch which was closely followed by work, where I stay until 1015pm.  We need some rain for the garden and allotment after recent hot weather but I'm hoping the forecast downpours hold off until after I have cycled home :-/

Extra shows the above plant on a raised bed at home, somewhat over-run by a thriving penstemon!

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