Dogcorner Cottage

We did our spring/Garden Club civic duty today. It was time to clean up and do some perennial planting on the traffic island on our corner. The weather cooperated with two sunny days so far for a happy Memorial Day Weekend for us Stateside folks. T and I hope to relax and join Raspberry on our front piazza this afternoon and evening. The weather for tomorrow still looks iffy for all the Memorial Day parades and festivities in surrounding towns. Hopefully, the rain will hold off in the morning. I've 'decorated' the family graves with geraniums, the town cemetery has been spruced up with American flags placed on all the veterans' graves, ready for tomorrow. 

For the Record,
This day came in with sun and clouds, but no rain so far. It feels a bit humid, I think rain showers are on the way for tomorrow.

All hands happy with our traffic island planting, but sorry 45 is back on US soil.

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