A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


This clock has moved three minutes in three days. Not that helpful to me as both times this week I have passed, it has been roughly midday but not quite. Not really an issue as I have realised that during term time I can pretty much tell you the time to within 5 minutes at anytime of the day. And sometimes even the night. Time exists as a precious thing to be managed and used wisely. I am happy at the moment that I have found an efficient exercise option that is not running. Cycling to the swimming pool gives me a total of 1hour exercise for 1.25hrs out of the house.

Late night, early start combo means that today's time has been best used by switching it with tomorrow. So I have done menial, none thinking but nevertheless essential tasks, baked Carl's birthday cake and been swimming. Hopefully an early night and tomorrow I can do the thinking I have deferred from today.

Definite chill in the air today and we put the heating on this morning but the blue skies and sunshine are glorious.

Lesley x

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