
By cowgirl

40 years ago flash back

The garage and petrol station across the way was where I spent the first 11 years of my life. It's changed quite a bit since then. There was no roundabout then, and no street lights. Five roads meet here and looking back, I can't believe there weren't lots of accidents, but I guess there were less cars and they didn't drive so fast.

I'm standing inside the derelict pub across the road, where one of my friends lived and I used to play. I was there with my friend who owns the flats I'm painting in, as she's looking for her next project. The pub has been shut for a couple of years now, so it would be nice to see it taken on and done up, but it won't be by us as it's not what my friend is looking for.

Still, it was nice to take a stroll down memory lane, all five of them.

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