A View To A Hill

I did a silly thing today. We went to a nearby seaside town for lunch and after a little stroll, the little little one clearly needed a nap. So while Mommy G took the big little one for a little play on the beach, I took the cranky one back to the car for a chill out in the shade.

Apparently, 20 minutes of leaving the fans blowing cool air will flatten the battery in this car :o

Also, nobody takes jump leads with them on holiday apparently (according to the few people I asked, including us), so while waiting for a garage to come and get us started, I took the opportunity to look for my blip. 

Not long before I spotted this pergola (or is it a gazebo?) on the hill that we've never got round to taking a walk up to see the view (which must be spectacular as the sea is behind me from this angle and they are easily 50m up above us).

I'm sure we'll head up there one day.


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