
By Veronica

Man at work

Still got a cold, but decided to make an effort to go to C and S's this evening for an apero in their garden. They are gradually fixing up their old house, and artist C has some great ideas -- for example faced with very bumpy, cracked walls, instead of replastering he put up battens and insulation, and then tacked up fabric over the top. Very quick to do, dampens sound, and covers up all the mess! In one room there's a massive, bright floral pattern, and in S's office he's painted it with soothing trees. As you can see, not all of his work is so soothing :) This is a massive pencil drawing that has taken him weeks to do.

I felt better for the evening's entertainment, but I'm still feeling a bit rough this morning (and not because I'm the worse for drink -- I drank water plus one glass of bubbly).

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