The Riverman

We shopped in Shongau this morning and stocked up on medication from the local Pharmacy.  The young girl was very helpful indeed.  We stopped briefly at the River Lech at the end of the village to take our final photographs of this lovely little village with its beautiful river that is dammed to form a lake.  We shall be leaving here in the morning and have no idea where the next Wifi connection may be but, never fear, we will be back!  At the time of posting this journal we plan to head back to Ulm and then west towards Kehl and Strasbourg before going south to Colmar.  The weather forecast is much the same as at home although the rain may be warmer!  It is hard to image those whispy white clouds will soon be thunder storms.  We are sitting outside, handkerchiefs and drinks at the ready and chicken roasting on the Cobb BBQ.  Thank you for all you kind comments!

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