
Had a lovely breakfast here this morning, then had a little snoop around the rest of the hotel before packing up and checking out.  Mum pointed out lots of her old classrooms to me - and we ate breakfast in what had been the assembly hall :)

Checked out and had a wander around Colchester for a while - and a lovely (if slightly unnecessary, after that big breakfast) lunch in Tymperley's.  Popped into M&S too, where Mum bought a new coat - and then we drove over to Mum's friend's Gillian's house, for a quick visit and catch-up with her and her partner John.  We sat out in their garden, which was beautiful - so many little hidden corners and a lovely wooded area.

After that, we drove to our next hotel - in Ardleigh - and had a quick turnaround before going back out to meet my cousin and his wife for dinner.  We had a really lovely evening, nattering away the whole time.  As I said to my Mum afterwards, I think that's the most I've ever spoken to them in my life!  We were there until nearly 10pm, then said goodbye and headed back to the hotel for our last night's sleep.

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