Anya and Sergeant

A very drizzly morning but the rain stopped at about 11 so we went off to the festival of country life at Lamport Hall. We walked round and round, it was great. I took so many photos of mini steam engines, tractors, people, steam rollers, stalls and lots of Anya and Sergeant. Anya was so animated talking about the horses she never stopped for breath and she kept saying "I just have to say this"..... ........ And she would carry on and on. She was wonderful, so entertaining. A final walk around the craft stalls we found Eve, in the extra who makes all the pottery as she wants to keep active. Chris and I both bought a piece I'm sure mine will be blipped at some point. Just as we were leaving the rain came, it had spotted on and off but this rain was persistent so we were glad to get home and have an afternoon nap!

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