Queuing for Tea and Cake

It was the annual Oaks in Charnwood Spring Fair up in the  meadow by Oaks in Charnwood church today. It's a lovely setting although mist and fog shrouded the ground for much of the time.

As you can see, the refreshment room saw plenty of business from the time the fair opened until it closed. No gluten free cake though.

I was there with other camera club members manning (womanning in my case) our display of photos and talking to visitors about joining the club, of which there were one or two, attending our free Find Out About Your Camera days later this month, and photography generally.

It was nice to receive commendations.

Len finally arrived with Basil to fetch me back. We popped into the church next door to view the flower festival. On the way through the fair, the hog roast people were packing up but I was able to get a very generous portion of pork for free. There hadn't been anything but crisps for me to eat at the hall. The pork was delicious. I shared some with Basil. He was giving me the 'mad eyes' treatment.

We bought some herb plants before leaving.

Met several people in the hall, was identified as the lady who does photography and generally enjoyed myself. What worries me is the identity of the young lady whose name I can't remember. We associate each other with Basil, so she might be at the vets or the groomers, I'm not sure. She was so friendly and I just couldn't place her.

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