Alfie is 10 - Celebration Day

Alfie is 10, what an amazing day. To think we have a 10 year old child!

The morning started early, lots of presents then some very loud guitar playing. Off to school listening to 'Celebration Day' by Led Zeppelin (we thought it was apt) to find that they (Led Zeppelin) hare releasing a film of their 02 gig called 'Celebration Day' what a great present that was for him (and me).

I am so very proud of our 10 year old, it is amazing to think of him as a newborn, seeing him grow into an amazing boy who is clever, funny, sporty and annoyingly good at playing guitar. Brilliant, we love him to bits.

In other news.
Completely contrasting customer experiences today, two sets of concepts, one customer hated theirs, one customer loved theirs. Design can be like that, hate is a reaction that is quite easy to work with as at least we now know what not to show them next time.

Then home, Alfie has some friends round for pizza and football then off to cubs.

H and I are quietly celebrating the fact that we've been parents for 10 years ;)

Thankyou very much for all your comments yesterday, and for each and every one over the last two years it is very humbling. I thought two years was tomorrow so was thinking of something topical to do, I'm sort of pleased it sneaked up on me unawares. Blip is a great thing.

Alf more lovely large

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