A Different Kind Of Suitcase!
Hello Blipfriends!
Dolly here AGAIN today!
As you may have picked up, I DON'T like suitcases! Almost every week my mum gets hers out and puts things in it and then she disappears for a couple of days. So I know when it comes out that she's about to LEAVE me! Is it any wonder I don't like suitcases?
Then a couple of days ago yet another box arrived from Amazon and today Mum finally unpacked it and showed me! It kind of LOOKS like a hard, flat, skinny suitcase. It has a handle and it opens up like one. But inside were lots of little legs in 2 sizes! What in the world??
And then Mum showed me. It's a clever camping table and all the different legs can be used to make the table different heights. FOUR different heights! Brilliant!! Then I remembered - we went camping in the new campervan (Alfie) last weekend and our friends had the same table. Mum loved it so much she ordered one for US!
So, Mum! We better go camping again, so we can try out the new table! Then we can take more pictures and show our blip friends!
Today was a Bank Holiday in the UK. Like a Federal Holiday in the US or a Red Day in Sweden. In the UK that means only one thing - RAIN! And rain it did! But we had a nice visit from our friend Sue who came over for coffee and gave her seal of approval for Mum's outfit for Thursday (especially the shoes). Then Mum spent most of the rest of the day doing household chores. And getting organised for our NEXT outing in Alfie. In the evening it was MOVIE night (with NO pizza!!). We watched TWO episodes of Designated Survivor on Netflix. Our Swedish friends watched at the same time. Super exciting series!!
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