2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

Homework sucks!

If you listen to Radio 2 on your way home you will have heard Simon Mayo's confessions piece and "Homework sucks"

Being a fine upstanding pillar of decency I have never had to confess to anything...........

But tonight I was able to answer the question: do we need more muscles to keep our eyes open in the day than to close them.at night.

For the last 13 years my knowledge is that one Muscle does both, the orbicularis occuli. It's a circular muscle that works to open and close the eye.

While I was on the radio Mr. Mayo suggested there is another muscle to open the eye and orbicularis occuli closes it.

A bit more research afterwards would support this. However, my knowledge got me through an exam 13 years ago and has subsequently got hundreds of others through exams so I'll stick with it.

As a disclaimer, however, if you are planning to carry out any eye surgery please consult an eye surgeon and do not rely totally on this blip!

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