
By CleanSteve

Life in the garden

Woodpeckers returned home today after her London sojourn. We put the kettle on as soon as possible, as it was teatime, and I went into the garden with my little X100T camera, as I hadn't taken a picture for a while. 

I quickly snapped a couple of pretty colourful flowers for the record, a geum and a foxglove which I had bought last year. I was interested to see how the results from the Fujifilm as normally I use my macro lens. I took very little time taking each image but as usual I am very impressed with its performance.  This bee on one of the comfrey flowers particularly appeal to me as I used the LCD screen at arms length as I needed to get the camera quite close to the subject and my head would have disturbed the bee. The camera has a built in macro function but I didn't use that, and never do.  But maybe I should try it out.

I watched 'Springwatch' on tv last night, the first programme in their new series set in Sherborne, in north Gloucestershire. They had several interesting strands which they will be following, as I will be, but I was taken by their description of a phone app which helps with recognition of bee species. Maybe I need to get a new chip for my phone. too.

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