Thank you

A very very beautiful gift arrived for my tiny dancer in the mail today. Handmade warm up sweater, knitted to perfection. It's beautiful. Thank you xxxxxxx 

She's had a FABULOUS day. She wasn't very settled during the night, mainly due I think to being too excited to actually sleep properly. She got up and watched a bit of a movie as she ate breakfast, then did music practice. We popped to the post office to get a parcel and headed home. She had a few minutes playing in the garden before  B TIME! She gave B a massive hug as she arrived then they sat and nattered for a while. B had bought Katie some very sweet presents and she was really excited. She had a piano lesson and did some brilliant work. We all sat and had a cuppa and cakes before Katie went for some tv time while B and I worked through some things that had come up while she'd been away. I think Katie had almost fallen asleep while I was having a very quick lesson because when it came to time for her clarinet lesson, she was quite sleepy. She woke up a little and was very pleased to learn two really high new notes and a couple of new blues scales. She played a few of her pieces that she'd learnt to B but she was on the sensitive side when it came to mistakes/things that needed some working on. Then she pulled an absolute blinder playing her last piece! She was brilliant! Katie and B have planned their "well done for your exam" trip to Costa for later in the week while I go into work. 

We headed into town after the lessons, sorted some banking and tried to buy some new music books but they weren't in stock. We bought a few grocery bits and a book for her. At home, she went to play for a while and wouldn't come for her lunch until 2pm! After lunch, we spent a while exploring some new things B had given her to look at. Katie did some awesome transposing work - transposing as she played; a new skill B wanted to see if she'd manage. She was awesome! 

3.15 came and it was time to get ready for dance class. She was pleased to get dressed in her gorgeous new warm up sweater and skipped out to class. Half terms work well for Katie - a lot of music, a lot of dancing... and no school to get in the way! 

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