Worth Waiting For

Early trip to notary office in Reguengos (bigger town) this morning with owner of the Land. At last we have documents in hand, so now we need to get the lawyer-type bloke to take them to the Mourão town council, and get yet another document, a pedido prévio - basically, an agreement that we can turn the two farm buildings into residences. Phew. Anyway, nothing doing on that till Monday...

Went walking this afternoon, so beautiful in the golden light, but seemed appropriate today to show you the Land again - from near one of the bridges. Just like we had to do for each other, see the taller mast on the castle? Follow that down to the white building on the right - that belongs to Rodrigo, whose Mum's funeral we went to yesterday. Just below that, is the roof of "our" top building. Then come slanting down to the left, and in the lower corner of the next open bit, you can see the chimney of "our" bottom building.

Can you see why we're prepared to wait?

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