
By momcat1

An osprey a day......

They are pretty common around here, which is remarkable when you consider they were another bird almost wiped out by DDT. This on was nesting in a buoy . We went out on a dolphin cruise this afternoon. Besides the OBX dolphin pod ( or part of it) we also caught sight of several osprey, great egrets , snowy egrets and a white ibis, a few Forster's and common terns and innumerable herring gulls. 
The water is cold as it is still early  in the season and very few people are brave enough to go in the water for any length of time. We did yesterday for all of about 10 minutes, but it was in the low 80's here and sunny yesterday  and today is cloudy , windy and in the 70's. Plus there was a storm last night so the waves were a little rough this AM.

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