Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones

Old and New

I have known this lovely lass since I was around 11 months old. Our parents were friends before we were born. She has been living on the other side of the planet for the last 5 years, with her lovely hubby and their gorgeous naughty puppy. It feels so symbolic when my oldest friends meet my brand new kidlets - the circle of life and all that. Was so good to chill with her today. My troubles fell on understanding ears, so there ws no need for politeness and no need to put on a face - she is someone I can be totally real with, despite the huge gaps in our life when we haven't seen each other. Old friends are like gold dust to me. There are only 2 friends that I am still properly in touch with from my pre-school years, and I value them more than words can say. It makes me well up thinking about it all; how time passes, how I'm re-living those precious memories of fairgrounds and adventures with my own children, and that this girl shared some of those adventures with me so so long ago. Here's a toast to friends old and new, and to all the folk who we can just be real with. You make the world a special place x x

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